Abstract Submission Deadline:
August 9, 2024

Click here to submit an abstract

Accepted abstracts will be presented as e-posters only at the 7th Annual Meeting of the International Academy for Clinical Hematology (IACH) including the COMydAL, COLYM and MPNCo&D tracks, September 19-21, 2024 – Paris, France & Online.
For more information please contact [email protected].
Accepted abstracts should be submitted in the e-poster format (to be provided) and presenting authors are welcome to submit a short overview video of their work (1-2 minutes).

Abstracts for the meeting:

  • Participants who would like to actively participate in IACH, are requested to submit an abstract for review by the Scientific Committee.
  • The Committee reserves the right to:
    1. select the abstracts relevant to the sessions
    2. decide on the final form of presentation
  • The Committee will accept 2 abstracts for poster presentation per presenting author.

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Title of the abstract
  • Full names (first and last) all authors
  • Email addresses of all authors
  • Details of affiliation of all author(s); institution, city, country
  • Contact details of the presenting author (email, tel.)

Please note: Abstracts cannot exceed 300 words and cannot include tables and graphs.

About Abstract Submission:
Be sure to make all changes, corrections and proofreading before submitting. Please note: Once you click Submit, you cannot edit the information you entered. To make any changes after you have submitted, please contact the IACH Secretariat at [email protected] mentioning your name and abstract confirmation number.

Prior to submission, please use ‘spell check’ within your abstract WORD document in order to avoid spelling errors.

To submit an abstract please click on the “login” tab:
Once a user is created go to the “submission” tab to create a new submission.

For questions please email: [email protected].